Clean up a few things

This commit is contained in:
natemaia 2020-03-02 22:14:19 -08:00
parent 904cd16a5b
commit 6b8d0b7e1d

View File

@ -5,15 +5,12 @@
# Some ideas and code reworked from other resources
# AIF, Calamares, and the Arch Wiki.. Credit where credit is due
# check for syntax errors
# set -n
# default values {
: ${DIST=ArchLabs} # distro name if not set
MNT=/mnt # installation root mountpoint
: ${MNT=/mnt} # installation root mountpoint if not set
ANS=/tmp/ans # dialog answer output file
FONT=ter-i16n # font used for the linux console
HOOKS=shutdown # additional mkinitcpio HOOKS
@ -2135,7 +2132,8 @@ luks_pass()
until [[ $LUKS_PASS ]]; do
tput cnorm
dialog --insecure --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --separator $'\n' --title " $t " --mixedform "$_luksomenu" 0 0 0 \
dialog --insecure --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" \
--separator $'\n' --title " $t " --mixedform "$_luksomenu" 0 0 0 \
"Name:" 1 1 "${ans[0]}" 1 7 "$COLUMNS" 0 0 \
"Password:" 2 1 '' 2 11 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 \
"Password2:" 3 1 '' 3 12 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 2> "$ANS" || return 1
@ -2188,25 +2186,25 @@ luks_basic()
errshow 0 "cryptsetup -q luksFormat '$LUKS_PART' <<< '$LUKS_PASS'" || return 1
cryptsetup open "$LUKS_PART" "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "cryptsetup open '$LUKS_PART' '$LUKS_NAME' <<< '$LUKS_PASS'" || return 1
LUKS='encrypted'; luks_show
return 0
if luks_setup; then
local cipher
dlg cipher input "LUKS Encryption" "$_lukskey" "-s 512 -c aes-xts-plain64"
[[ $cipher ]] || return 1
msg "$_luksadv" "\nCreating encrypted partition: $LUKS_NAME\n\nDevice or volume used: $LUKS_PART\n" 0
cryptsetup -q $cipher luksFormat "$LUKS_PART" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "cryptsetup -q $cipher luksFormat '$LUKS_PART' <<< '$LUKS_PASS'" || return 1
cryptsetup open "$LUKS_PART" "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "cryptsetup open '$LUKS_PART' '$LUKS_NAME' <<< '$LUKS_PASS'" || return 1
return 0
return 1
luks_setup || return 1
local cipher
dlg cipher input "LUKS Encryption" "$_lukskey" "-s 512 -c aes-xts-plain64"
[[ $cipher ]] || return 1
msg "$_luksadv" "\nCreating encrypted partition: $LUKS_NAME\n\nDevice or volume used: $LUKS_PART\n" 0
cryptsetup -q $cipher luksFormat "$LUKS_PART" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "cryptsetup -q $cipher luksFormat '$LUKS_PART' <<< '$LUKS_PASS'" || return 1
cryptsetup open "$LUKS_PART" "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "cryptsetup open '$LUKS_PART' '$LUKS_NAME' <<< '$LUKS_PASS'" || return 1
return 0