Add mirror country selection and cleanup a few places
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
# This program is free software, provided under the GNU GPL
# Written by Nathaniel Maia for use in Archlabs
# Written by Nathaniel Maia for Archlabs, works in most Arch based distros
# Some ideas and code reworked from other resources
# AIF, Calamares, and the Arch Wiki.. Credit where credit is due
# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046,SC2254,SC2164
# default values {
@ -627,26 +626,22 @@ select_keymap()
if [[ ! -f /tmp/xkeys ]]; then
dlg KEYMAP menu "Keyboard" "$_keymap" \
us English cm English gb English au English gh English \
za English ng English ca French 'cd' French gn French \
tg French fr French de German at German ch German \
es Spanish latam Spanish br Portuguese pt Portuguese ma Arabic \
sy Arabic ara Arabic ua Ukrainian cz Czech ru Russian \
sk Slovak nl Dutch it Italian hu Hungarian cn Chinese \
tw Taiwanese vn Vietnamese kr Korean jp Japanese th Thai \
la Lao pl Polish se Swedish is Icelandic 'fi' Finnish \
dk Danish be Belgian in Indian al Albanian am Armenian \
bd Bangla ba Bosnian 'bg' Bulgarian dz Berber mm Burmese \
hr Croatian gr Greek il Hebrew ir Persian iq Iraqi \
af Afghani fo Faroese ge Georgian ee Estonian kg Kyrgyz \
kz Kazakh lt Lithuanian mt Maltese mn Mongolian ro Romanian \
no Norwegian rs Serbian si Slovenian tj Tajik lk Sinhala \
tr Turkish uz Uzbek ie Irish pk Urdu 'mv' Dhivehi \
np Nepali et Amharic sn Wolof ml Bambara tz Swahili \
ke Swahili bw Tswana ph Filipino my Malay tm Turkmen \
id Indonesian bt Dzongkha lv Latvian md Moldavian mao Maori \
by Belarusian az Azerbaijani mk Macedonian kh Khmer epo Esperanto \
me Montenegrin || return 1
af Afghani al Albanian am Armenian ara Arabic at German au English \
az Azerbaijani ba Bosnian bd Bangla be Belgian 'bg' Bulgarian br Portuguese \
bt Dzongkha bw Tswana by Belarusian ca French 'cd' French ch German \
cm English cn Chinese cz Czech de German dk Danish dz Berber \
ee Estonian epo Esperanto es Spanish et Amharic 'fi' Finnish fo Faroese \
fr French gb English ge Georgian gh English gn French gr Greek \
hr Croatian hu Hungarian id Indonesian ie Irish il Hebrew 'in' Indian \
iq Iraqi ir Persian is Icelandic it Italian jp Japanese ke Swahili \
kg Kyrgyz kh Khmer kr Korean kz Kazakh la Lao latam Spanish \
lk Sinhala lt Lithuanian lv Latvian ma Arabic mao Maori md Moldavian \
me Montenegrin mk Macedonian ml Bambara mm Burmese mn Mongolian mt Maltese \
'mv' Dhivehi my Malay ng English nl Dutch no Norwegian np Nepali \
ph Filipino pk Urdu pl Polish pt Portuguese ro Romanian rs Serbian \
ru Russian se Swedish si Slovenian sk Slovak sn Wolof sy Arabic \
tg French th Thai tj Tajik tm Turkmen tr Turkish tw Taiwanese \
tz Swahili ua Ukrainian us English uz Uzbek vn Vietnamese za English || return 1
echo "$KEYMAP" > /tmp/xkeys
@ -910,12 +905,12 @@ part_menu()
txt="\nWARNING: ALL data on $device will be destroyed and the following partitions will be created\n\n- "
if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then
label="msdos" boot_fs="ext4" boot_type="primary"
txt+="An $boot_fs boot partition with the boot flag enabled (512M)\n- "
txt+="$boot_fs boot partition with the boot flag enabled (512M)\n- "
label="gpt" boot_fs="fat32" boot_type="ESP"
txt+="A $boot_fs efi boot partition (512M)\n- "
txt+="$boot_fs efi boot partition (512M)\n- "
txt+="An ext4 partition using all remaining space ($root_size)\n\nDo you want to continue?\n"
txt+="ext4 partition using all remaining space ($root_size)\n\nDo you want to continue?\n"
yesno "Auto Partition" "$txt" && part_auto "$device" "$label" "$boot_fs" "$root_size" "$boot_type"
@ -1043,18 +1038,17 @@ part_mount()
mkdir -p "$mntp"
if [[ $BTRFS -ne 2 && $fs && ${FS_OPTS[$fs]} && $part != "$BOOT" && $part != "$AUTO_ROOT" ]] && select_mntopts "$part" "$fs"; then
mount -o $MNT_OPTS "$part" "$mntp" > /dev/null 2> "$ERR" || mount -o $MNT_OPTS "$part" "$mntp" > /dev/null 2> "$ERR"
mount -o $MNT_OPTS "$part" "$mntp" > /dev/null 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "mount -o $MNT_OPTS $part $mntp" || return 1
mount "$part" "$mntp" > /dev/null 2> "$ERR" || mount "$part" "$mntp" > /dev/null 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "mount $part $mntp" || return 1
mount "$part" "$mntp" > /dev/null 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "mount $part $mntp" || return 1
msg "Mount Complete" "\nMounted $part at $mntp\n" 1
part_countdec "$part"
part_cryptlv "$part"
return 0
@ -1086,8 +1080,12 @@ part_pretty()
[[ $size_t == 'K' || ($size_t == 'M' && $isize -lt 80) ]] || printf "%s\n" "$dev ${size}__$model"
done < <(lsblk -lno TYPE,PATH,SIZE,FSTYPE,LABEL $part |
awk "/$regexp/"' && !'"/${IGNORE_DEV:-NONEXX}/"' {
if ($4 == "") { $4 = "unformatted" }
if ($5 == "") { $5 = "unlabeled" }
if ($4 == "") {
$4 = "unformatted"
if ($5 == "") {
$5 = "unlabeled"
print $2, $3 "__" $4 "__" $5
@ -1461,8 +1459,7 @@ select_mntopts()
opts+="$i - off "
until [[ $MNT_OPTS ]]; do
dlg MNT_OPTS check "$title" "$_mount" $opts
[[ $MNT_OPTS ]] || return 1 # no options is auto mount
dlg MNT_OPTS check "$title" "$_mount" $opts || return 1 # no options is auto mount
yesno "$title" "\nConfirm mount options: $MNT_OPTS\n" || MNT_OPTS=''
@ -2037,47 +2034,35 @@ install_mkinitcpio()
if hash reflector > /dev/null 2>&1; then
if [[ $AUTO_MIR ]]; then
timedatectl set-ntp 1 && timedatectl > /dev/null 2>&1
reflector --verbose --score 80 -l 40 -f 5 --sort rate --save "$1"
elif hash rankmirrors > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Sorting mirrorlist... This will take a while"
local key="access_key=5f29642060ab983b31fdf4c2935d8c56"
ip_add="$(curl -fsSL "$key&fields=ip" |
python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['ip'])")"
country="$(curl -fsSL "$ip_add?$key&fields=country_code" |
python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['country_code'])")"
if [[ "$country" ]]; then
if [[ $country =~ (CA|US) ]]; then
# use both CA and US mirrors for CA or US countries
elif [[ $country =~ (AU|NZ) ]]; then
# use both AU and NZ mirrors for AU or NZ countries
else # no country code so just grab all mirrors, will be a very slow sort but we don't have other options
curl -fsSL "$mirror" | sed -e 's/^#Server/Server/' -e '/^#/d' | rankmirrors -n 6 - > "$1"
reflector --verbose --score 80 -l 40 -f 5 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
echo "ranking mirrorlist, this may take a while..."
cp -f /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /tmp/mirrors
rankmirrors -n 6 /tmp/mirrors > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
local luks net="networkmanager"
local luks='' net="networkmanager"
[[ ! -d /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections ]] && net="netctl"
[[ $LUKS ]] && luks="cryptsetup"
local txt="\nUse an automatically generated mirrorlist?\n\nNo will require selecting which countries to use"
if hash reflector > /dev/null 2>&1 && yesno "Mirrorlist" "$txt"; then
yesno "Background Install" "$_bginstall" "Pacstrap" "Copy ISO" || PACSTRAP=0
install_mirrorlist "/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" > /tmp/bgout 2>&1
install_mirrorlist > /tmp/bgout 2>&1
if [[ $PACSTRAP == 1 ]]; then
pacman -Sy >> /tmp/bgout 2>&1
@ -2113,6 +2098,69 @@ install_background()
trap "kill $BG_PID 2> /dev/null" EXIT
local conf='' tmp=''
until [[ $conf ]]; do
local url=''
dlg CODES check "Mirror Country" "\nSelect which countries to use for mirrors from the list below." \
AU Australia "$(ofn AU "$CODES")" AT Austria "$(ofn AT "$CODES")" \
BA "Bosnia Herzegovina" "$(ofn BA "$CODES")" BY Belarus "$(ofn BY "$CODES")" \
BE Belgium "$(ofn BE "$CODES")" BR Brazil "$(ofn BR "$CODES")" \
BG Bulgaria "$(ofn BG "$CODES")" CA Canada "$(ofn CA "$CODES")" \
CL Chile "$(ofn CL "$CODES")" CN China "$(ofn CN "$CODES")" \
CO Colombia "$(ofn CO "$CODES")" CZ "Czech Republic" "$(ofn CZ "$CODES")" \
DK Denmark "$(ofn DK "$CODES")" EE Estonia "$(ofn EE "$CODES")" \
FI Finland "$(ofn FI "$CODES")" FR France "$(ofn FR "$CODES")" \
DE Germany "$(ofn DE "$CODES")" GB "United Kingdom" "$(ofn GB "$CODES")" \
GR Greece "$(ofn GR "$CODES")" HU Hungary "$(ofn HU "$CODES")" \
IN India "$(ofn IN "$CODES")" IE Ireland "$(ofn IE "$CODES")" \
IL Israel "$(ofn IL "$CODES")" IT Italy "$(ofn IT "$CODES")" \
JP Japan "$(ofn JP "$CODES")" KZ Kazakhstan "$(ofn KZ "$CODES")" \
KR Korea "$(ofn KR "$CODES")" LT Lithuania "$(ofn LT "$CODES")" \
LV Latvia "$(ofn LV "$CODES")" LU Luxembourg "$(ofn LU "$CODES")" \
MK Macedonia "$(ofn MK "$CODES")" NL Netherlands "$(ofn NL "$CODES")" \
NC "New Caledonia" "$(ofn NC "$CODES")" NZ "New Zealand" "$(ofn NZ "$CODES")" \
NO Norway "$(ofn NO "$CODES")" PL Poland "$(ofn PL "$CODES")" \
PT Portugal "$(ofn PT "$CODES")" RO Romania "$(ofn RO "$CODES")" \
RU Russia "$(ofn RU "$CODES")" RS Serbia "$(ofn RS "$CODES")" \
SG Singapore "$(ofn SG "$CODES")" SK Slovakia "$(ofn SK "$CODES")" \
ZA "South Africa" "$(ofn ZA "$CODES")" ES Spain "$(ofn ES "$CODES")" \
LK "Sri Lanka" "$(ofn LK "$CODES")" SE Sweden "$(ofn SE "$CODES")" \
CH Switzerland "$(ofn CH "$CODES")" TW Taiwan "$(ofn TW "$CODES")" \
TR Turkey "$(ofn TR "$CODES")" UA Ukraine "$(ofn UA "$CODES")" \
US "United States" "$(ofn US "$CODES")" UZ Uzbekistan "$(ofn UZ "$CODES")" \
VN Vietnam "$(ofn VN "$CODES")" || return 1
# build the url to use
for i in $CODES; do
if [[ $url ]]; then
msg "Mirror Country" "\nDownloading the latest mirrorlist for the chosen countries.\n\n$url\n" 0
tmp="$(mktemp --suffix=-mirrorlist)"
curl -fsSL $url -o $tmp 2> "$ERR"
errshow 0 "curl -fsSL $url -o $tmp" || return 1
sed -i 's/^#Server/Server/g' "$tmp"
# let the user edit and confirm it
$EDITOR "$tmp"
if yesno "Mirror Country" "\nUse the newly created mirrorlist for installation?\n"; then
rm -f "$tmp"
cp -f "$tmp" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
chmod +r /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# display manager config
# these are called based on which DM is chosen after it is installed
@ -2904,7 +2952,7 @@ live()
msg "Remount Fail" "\nUnable to remount root with a larger copy-on-write space, this is needed for installing packages.\n\nExiting..\n" 2
die 1
install_mirrorlist "/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
al_repo "/etc/pacman.conf"
pacman -Syyu --noconfirm || die 1
rm -rf /var/cache/pacman/pkg/*
Reference in New Issue
Block a user